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Planning permission may not always be required for your conservatory as not every conservatory or house is the same as the next. Your requirements for size, shape and even use will be different to your neighbours, so when don’t you need to seek planning permission?
If your conservatory meets the criteria below, you may not require planning permission:
- It doesn’t include balconies, verandahs or raised platforms.
- The conservatory must not be higher than the highest part of the existing roof.
- It doesn’t exceed 4 meters in height.
- It doesn’t front or obstruct a public road.
- The conservatory does not cover more than half the area of land around the original house.
- If you live in an attached house, the conservatory or orangery doesn’t extend more than 3 metres or if you’re a detached house, more than 4 metres.
- Should you live in a listed building, you will need listed building consent.
The above is a very simple and straight forward way to get a quick understanding of planning permission, but it isn’t always as simple as this and other regulations may need to be considered.

Seeking Planning Permission
Should you apply for planning permission yourself it will cost you £172 to apply, you’ll have to wait for a response from your local authority, pay extra for a full survey of your house to see if your plans can be achieved and you’ll have to pay for an architect to draw up the plans. Even after all of this hassle and expense, there’s no guarantee you will get it approved!

Building Regulations
This is another area of consideration and covers the construction of the extension. There is a criteria where Building Regulations are not required:
- Your conservatory is less than 30 square metres in floor area and on ground level.
- The extension you have has its own independent heating system and separate temperature controls.
-Your electricals and window glazing must comply with the existing building regulations.

If You're Unsure, the Planning Portal Has It All
Planning an extension to your home, be it a conservatory, orangery or brick built extension can be stressful, confusing and a lot of hassle. If you’re not sure if your dream extension needs planning permission or you’re unclear on whether it will fit the building regulations, the Planning Portal is the place to go.